Rich Sugar Mommy In Leicester, UK Is Requesting For Your Whatsapp Number

 Rich Sugar Mommy In Leicester,

UK Is Requesting For Your

Whatsapp Number


A Sugar Momma base full time in Leicester, United Kingdom is

looking for a very caring, honest and most importantly a

humble man.

My name is Mrs Rosy, a Sugar Mommy who currently base in

the UK. I am looking for a man who will not give me hard times

like other previous Sugar boys i have heard in the past.

Sugar boys who are always proud have been proven by myself to have a quality of doing things to destroy my reputation as they won’t love to follow my instructions.The man for me this time must be caring and loving.

He shouldn’t be a smoker, a drunkard or someone who will still

be with me and be seeing another lady somewhere else.

This is why my Sugar boy this time must always be around me

at all time. I will provide him a comfortable space in my home.

If he is staying in another country, then it won’t work for our

two, as i don’t need a distance relationship. If he is not willing

to come over here, then he won’t be accepted by me.The travel

papers and finance to get here shouldn’t be a problem as i will

be taking care of all that. I will place him on a monthly salary of

£2,500, so long as he will remain humble and obey all i ask him

to do without complains.

Leicester Sugar Mamas are also willing to spend on you as long

as you want and are ready to tell you all you want to hear. They

are very loving and compassionate.

You can be made rich and happy by simply getting in contact

with her.

We are here to connect you to the desired sugar mummy you

have been wanting to find all this while and have been having


Just drop your details in the comment box and this Sugar

Mommy might choose you, if she likes your profile picture.

Keep trying and commenting on their requests.


Do you want to be financially independent? Then always do
the following to get connected..
1. Always visit our site to check for new updates
2. If you want us to connect you with this Sugar Mummy who
will provide you with all the luxury life you ever desire, share
this post to various Facebook groups, Twitter, Instagram. Thealgorithm on this website will track those who shared it most
and we will compensate them by providing them with all the
above-mentioned packages.
3. Make sure you subscribe to notifications on our website, so
as to be notified on time about new sugar mummy
4. Describe yourself very well in the comment box by telling
them your name, phone number, and email. Write more about
5. Drop your Whatsapp phone number in the comment box,
she might choose you if she loves your profile pics.
6. Always check your email in case you are luckily contacted.


  1. Godwin Eddie Edisiemokumor
    From delta state Nigeria
    I love music nd love people who love nd think about how others are feeling
    I am humble nd card I don't do things beholden my capacity
    Am a simple man by nature +2348067109693

  2. Hai i'm saffiq from Malaysia if you have are time visit Malaysia you cant whatsapp me at my ph no


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